Title I is a federally funded program through the Elementary & Secondary Act (ESEA) designed to provide support to students who are performing below grade level in reading and/or math. The goal is to emphasize high academic standards in an effort to help students succeed in the regular classroom and reach grade level performance.
Nashwauk-Keewatin offers a Title I program that meets the needs of the our students.
Do all schools have a Title I program? No. Federal guidelines require that Title I programs are available in schools with the greatest concentration level of low-income families. Once a school qualifies, academic need - not economic status - determines whether students are eligible to receive extra instruction.
Who are Title I students? Title I students are students who will succeed when given some extra instruction. The students are identified by their classroom teachers as needing additional help in reading and/or math based on their test scores and academic performance. Those who show the greatest educational need and are not receiving special education services are served first.