NKHS had a staff meeting today. We are proud of our students for managing the new distance learning model. Keep working hard and check in with us if you need help or have questions. Go Spartans!
over 4 years ago, Ranae Seykora, Principal
What an NKHS staff meeting looks like now
Happy Tuesday Keewatin Spartan Families! Here is the Spartan News for the week of April 6, 2020. Stay strong, stay safe, be kind! https://bit.ly/SpartanNews4620
over 4 years ago, Annie Olson-Reiners
Spartan News April 6, 2020
The March ACT test has been rescheduled for October 6th. Please see the counseling webpage for more information: http://www.isd319.org/high-school-counselor--3
over 4 years ago, Mardell Bevacqua
Taking distance learning to a whole new level!
over 4 years ago, Ranae Seykora, Principal
Taking homework to a whole new level!
NKHS: We start our 2nd week of distance learning tomorrow! For those of you without internet access, we will collect your completed paper copies when we deliver the new week's work between 12-1:30PM tomorrow by bus. Please have a box with your name on it outside. Thanks!
over 4 years ago, Ranae Seykora, Principal
NKHS Families: We miss you and hope you are doing ok! #aworldofhearts
over 4 years ago, Ranae Seykora, Principal
Spartan families, with all that is going on, you likely missed Census Day yesterday. When you fill out the US Census (you can do it online in fewer than 5 minutes!) you help us create a future where all our kids are counted, and our schools continue to receive the funding we need. 2020census.gov #SpartanStrong #SpartanSmart #CensusDay
over 4 years ago, Annie Olson-Reiners
census picture
NKHS Boys PE/athletes: Do you recognize these items from gym lockers? Come to the high school anytime between 8-3PM, M-F to pick them up. Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Ranae Seykora, Principal
Boys Locker belongings
Boys Locker Belongings
Boys locker belongings
Boys locker belongings
NKHS girls with PE lockers: do you recognize any of these clothes? We bagged up the belongings and numbered them. School is open everyday between 8-3PM if you can come pick them up. Thanks!
over 4 years ago, Ranae Seykora, Principal
gym locker clothing:  GIRLS
Keewatin Elementary - Spartan News (1 day late) for Monday, March 30, 2020. bit.ly/SpartanNews330 Stay safe Spartans! #SpartanRespectful #SpartanResponsible #SpartanSafe #SpartanKind #SpartanStrong
over 4 years ago, Annie Olson-Reiners
pies in the face
We've got over 1900 ratings on our community survey but would like more! If you've not been into the conversation, please join in! If you've left an idea and made some ratings, come back in and leave another thought and rate some thoughts you haven't seen yet! https://my.thoughtexchange.com/229571680
over 4 years ago, Matt Grose
Keewatin Elementary Families: Welcome to our first day of Distance Learning! Requested bus stop learning bundles will be dropped off at bus stops this afternoon. Buses leave at 12noon from the school. If you don’t receive a Learning bundle and were expecting one, please call us and we’ll work to fix any mixups tomorrow. Thanks for your patience, and please send our hellos to your children!!
over 4 years ago, Annie Olson-Reiners
NKHS: Tomorrow is our "virtual open house!" Check your student emails, and go to your teacher's pages on the district website to find info on your classes. Plan on 1.5-2hrs of "school" each day. Email your teachers with questions or call the office at 218-885-1280.
over 4 years ago, Ranae Seykora, Principal
Warm greetings Keewatin Elementary Spartan Families! This is the Distance Learning information that you've been waiting for: https://bit.ly/March30DistanceLearning Copies of this letter will go out to all KES Spartan families tomorrow, Friday, March 27, 2020 in the US Mail. There is a lot of information here, we're being as detailed as possible to help clarify this new process for our families. Please use this document as a reference moving forward throughout our Distance Learning process. You will also find this document on our main "Keewatin Elementary School" page on our website.
over 4 years ago, Annie Olson-Reiners
Distance Learning snapshot
Late edition Spartan News for Wednesday, March 25, 2020. bit.ly/SN3252020
over 4 years ago, Annie Olson-Reiners
Hello Spartans! NKHS teachers will be sending a letter, and they have web pages on the Nashwauk-Keewatin District website with directions for distance learning which begins March 30. Parents: you are not expected to teach! We are here to support all learners. Go Spartans!
over 4 years ago, Ranae Seykora, Principal
Spartan News for Tuesday, March 24, 2020 https://bit.ly/SpartanNewsTuesday24
over 4 years ago, Annie Olson-Reiners
over 4 years ago, Ranae Seykora, Principal
Spartan News for Monday, March 23, 2020 https://bit.ly/SpartanNewsMonday23
over 4 years ago, Annie Olson-Reiners
We miss you and hope you are staying healthy, Spartans! Reminder that there will be no child care or meals served or delivered on Thursday 3/26, and Friday 3/27 this week since school was not scheduled to be in session. Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Ranae Seykora, Principal